Happy New Year! This is the day where we typically vow to lose weight, exercise, stop smoking...the usual resolutions. I have some resolutions of my own to share, please feel free to make these your resolutions, too:
1. Pay cash for everything. If I can't afford it, I can't buy it, how simple is that? It's a resolution everyone can adjust to, even the government. For me, I'm going to stop making credit card companies rich and make myself rich instead. How much
stuff do you REALLY need???
2. Be kinder to myself. I say things to myself that I would never dream of saying to another human being. I think we are all guilty of this. Do you look in the mirror and say, "I am so fat." or "I am a loser." Stop it! These are self-fulfilling prophecies and serve no purpose. I plan to start each day reading a list of positive things about myself and speak to myself only as a friend would.
3. Learn a new hobby. Instead of passively reading a novel or randomly surfing the Internet, I want to master an activity that allows me to be creative and produce a tangible object. I'm going to give beading a try.
4. Live in the "right now". I'm always rushing through whatever I'm doing while thinking about the next thing I need to do. It sounds corny, but in 2010 I intend to stop and smell the roses. If I'm in traffic, instead of fuming and getting stressed about something I can't control, I plan to clean out my wallet, balance my checkbook, see what animal shapes are in the clouds and maintain an attitude of gratitude. It's very easy to be sad or mad about all you don't have but much more fulfilling to be grateful for all you do have.
There's nothing wrong with the standard resolutions, we should all strive to better ourselves by adopting good habits and behaviors. But if your resolution to lose weight (for example) is preventing you from enjoying life right now, get over it! How many times to you hear someone say, "As soon as I lose 20 pounds I'm going to..." or "As soon as I find a boyfriend I'm going to..." Life is over in the blink of an eye so what are you waiting for?
Best wishes to all for 2010, may it be your very best year ever!
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