Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some people I've met on Twitter

I'm a new Twitterer and don't yet have a good grasp of what to do with it. Mostly I am a lurker but I it is a fun way to meet lots of interesting people.

If you know less about Twitter than I do, it's like a chat room. I know the Twitter-folk will cringe at the comparison, they prefer to call it a social networking tool. Call it what you's a "room" full of people speaking in tweets of 140 characters or less and anyone can jump into any conversation at any time. If you see a person talking about something that you find interested, click on their name (or "handle") and you can see other tweets from their past conversations. Then you can choose to "follow" them.

The conversations you see can either be the Public, which is everyone in the world who is Twittering at that moment, or only the people you are following.

When you click on a person's handle you will see their profile. Typically it's blurb about themselves, a list of who they are following and their followers, a link to their website, and all the other social networks they belong to.

Yesterday I met Shelley who sells vintage lingerie on eBay, beautiful, romantic and glamorous vintage lingerie. Stop by and visit sweetcherrypop.

Misscourageous has a boutique where she offers unique, handmade accessories that she makes from recycled products like old vinyl records. She is very talented, has a blog and a store on Etsy.

designs some of the most adorable baby clothes you'll ever see. She has a celebrity following and it's easy to see why, your baby will look like a movie star in her cool and very modern graphics. Stop by OohLaLaMaMa, the onesies are my favorites!

An amazing, driven, smart and world-altering lady is Alison, aka bravegirl. She is organizing TwestivalSF, a festival of Twitterers in San Francisco. Their goal is to provide clean water to the world through charity:water. Oh Cheri! is a proud sponsor of this event. I can't think of anything more deserving of your time and energy than to make certain that every human being has access to the most basic requirement of life...water.

I'm following 183 people right now, follow me and see what I see. There's a world of interesting people out there and Twitter has put all of us in the same room.

(The photo has nothing to do with the article, but it did get your attention! Shirley of Hollywood polka dot bikini.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

te he he now you can add me to that list!